Photobucket AlistaiR WonG


Photobucket Chia Mei Juan


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    let it out

    27 April, 2008

    Morning wake up...receive unhealthy message...which cause me moodless all day...

    all our promise....
    why do u have to break it?
    u say u wun be affected by wad your parents say.....
    everything u promise...is it just a lie?
    why? i kept my promise...why cant u?
    its just a little hardship and i never complain anything.
    and u're giving up just like tat...dun u find it a waste?
    dun tell me, everything u promise is just talking is free?
    i beg and please u just to meet for the last time, and u tell me all dis crap?
    cant u just stand on my side and think for me?i'm also human.
    cant u understand how i'm feeling right now?
    can u spare a thought for me?

    i waited u for 2 years...
    finally back,
    ur mum ask me wait 3 more years i also agree.
    but why do u have to end it?
    u think its fun ma?
    its not a game alright.
    hais...its something where the answer muz be mutual..
    not like wad u think that u wan den wan.
    if u realli hab to do dis...
    think of ur promise to me...
    u think its fair to me?
    breaking all ur promises to me?
    when i din even break any of them for u?
    u cna break any of them... but i onli wish for 1 to be fulfil..
    why cant u do it...=(((((((((((((((
    why do u still got affected by your parents?
    why cant u do me just dis favour?
    i dun mind meeting u just once or twice a week..
    just having u to gib an excuse to go out,
    cant u do it for me?
    u HurT me 2 years ago,and now u're doing it. and u sound nth at all
    why're u so cold?
    wei le wo bu ke yi ma?
    i onli wanted to meet u just last time...u told me all the crap...
    where did i do wrong to u?
    wad wrong did i do?
    why u just cannot because of me do something?
    i alway wei le ni dun wan use laptop all this,

    why cnat u?i gib up everything just to :

    go out wid u
    Talk to u
    sms with u

    why cnat u?when u use laptop u dun even wan to sms wid me,
    talk to me....bu ke yi wei wo fu chu ma?
    wo you na li bu hao?
    u say, i will change but u dun even gib me a chance...


    History Never Repeat.

    23 April, 2008

    we just had our 1st month celebration on 21st...was happy tho...but the next day she msg me she got no choice but to break cos her parents found out...i was like...my soul of happiness was suck out from my body...whole person turn pale. sadness arrive on me. she called me, i wouldnt dare answer, because i dun wan to hear her saying those things that would make me cry. i message her and told her i dun wana listen, i niid time to cool down. and she explain to me...but in the first place she shouldnt hab say break, able to say dis words means you already hab the preparation, but now u told me break but not in the heart, u might as well tell me your plan, why muz mention break be4 telling me ur plan?maybe ur explaining of things not good. making me fed up just because u keep explaining the same things i dun understand but i do now. haiis. promise me u wun leave me alrights. walk over this mountain together alright. please.


    History Never Repeat.